Adored Beast Easy Peesy Protocol

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0.50 LBS

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Urinary tract infections and bladder stones are painful for dogs and cats alike.  

If your pet has been diagnosed or previously diagnosed with a urinary tract infection or bladder stone,

then Easy Peesy Protocol by Adored Beast Apothecary is for you! 

We always recommend working with your trusted veterinarian if any of these symptoms are present.

If any animal cannot urinate, this is a medical emergency and needs immediate attention.

The Easy Peesy Protocol helps to support the body’s defense against recurring bladder and urinary infections.

Easy Peesy Protocol supports bladder health and the creation of an environment that will discourage crystal formation.

Easy Peesy Protocol can be used for any cat or dog previously diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, crystal or stone formation.  

This protocol can also be used proactively to help support overall bladder health

Easy Peesy Protocol contains 2 supplements

(Easy Peesy I and Easy Peesy II)

Easy Peesy I

To support the body in the dissolution of crystals and stones while working synergistically with the nutraceutical powder to maintain overall kidney and bladder health

Easy Peesy II

support healthy urinary tract and bladder function. Specific probiotic strains help to combat UTIs. Herbs and nutraceuticals work to decrease pain/discomfort and inflammation in the bladder wall and smooth muscle. Supports the transportation of harmful bacteria out of the bladder through the urine while slightly decreasing the acidity of urine pH, thereby making conditions for bacteria growth less favorable

Join us on Live Chat to see if Easy Peesy Protocol is a good fit for you!

Build a Bowl

Every dog is special. But it’s not just their personality. Every dog has unique nutrition needs based on their breed, size, shape, activity level and many other factors. The best way to help your dog be the best version of themselves is to build a healthy, balanced bowl that’s a combination of grains, vegetables, proteins, hydrators and supplements that are specific to your pet.


When you build a bowl here at Volhard, you will start with the choice of foundation mix. For better planning, it’s helpful to think about the dog you plan to feed and their issues first. This is where you can determine the "personality" of your bowl.


Build-a-Bowl is a fun way to find out what the nutritional value is in a bowl of Volhard! Then you will be asked to add a protein for a delectable super-powered meal for your dog!

Title of the document BUILD YOUR BOWL NOW

Easy Peesy I

Administer orally – 4 pumps (0.5ml) twice per day for 30 days

For Maintenance and Support

If your cat is showing signs of blockage seek EMERGENCY Veterinary care.

Easy Peesy II

Administer orally once per day according to the below dosage chart until the jar is empty. Can be given with meals.

For Maintenance and Support

Administer orally once per day for 14 days according to the below dosage chart. Repeat 3 times per year if your animal has a history of urinary tract issues.

If your cat is showing signs of blockage seek EMERGENCY Veterinary care.

Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven.

If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.

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