Adored Beast Gut Soothe

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1.00 LBS

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Gut Soothe by Adored Beast Apothecary is a proprietary blend of prebiotics & probiotics that contains nutraceuticals and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Gut Soothe helps replenish and soothe a dog’s gut, fight yeast and keep unhealthy bacteria in check.


We follow the approach of many authentic herbalists by

recommending the use of Gut Soothe for a minimum of six weeks to address health issues. The healing response process for dogs is generally six weeks.

Rotate Gut Soothe with Love Bugs and Healthy Gut by Adored Beast Apothecary for a comprehensive approach to balanced gut health care.

Gut Soothe Ingredients:

Multi Strain Probiotics Blend (30 Billion CFU)

Slippery Elm Bark (540mg)

Larch Arabinogalactan (500mg)

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (375mg)

N-Acetylglucosamine (300mg)

L-Glutamine (250mg)

Marshmallow Root 4:1 (100mg)

Aloe Vera 200:1 (5mg)

Add to food once (1) per day according to your dog’s weight.

Build a Bowl

Every dog is special. But it’s not just their personality. Every dog has unique nutrition needs based on their breed, size, shape, activity level and many other factors. The best way to help your dog be the best version of themselves is to build a healthy, balanced bowl that’s a combination of grains, vegetables, proteins, hydrators and supplements that are specific to your pet.


When you build a bowl here at Volhard, you will start with the choice of foundation mix. For better planning, it’s helpful to think about the dog you plan to feed and their issues first. This is where you can determine the "personality" of your bowl.


Build-a-Bowl is a fun way to find out what the nutritional value is in a bowl of Volhard! Then you will be asked to add a protein for a delectable super-powered meal for your dog!

Title of the document BUILD YOUR BOWL NOW

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