Dogs Love Krill Oil, And So Should You!

Dogs Love Krill Oil, And So Should You!

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Nov 18th 2020

If you could improve your dog’s longevity, chances of never having an encounter with cancer, and give them a boost in their immune system and overall health all with the help of a very small fish would you do it? Dog owners everywhere are becoming alerted to the fact that Omega-3 is one of the single most potent supplements you can add to your dog’s diet. Countless studies have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids have wide-ranging positive effects on the health of dogs. Amongst others, Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to the brain development of puppies, strengthen the immune system of dogs, reduce inflammation, increase the ability to fight cancer and benefit heart health.

Krill oil provides your dog more than just EPA and DHA, it also provides your dog with Choline and Astaxanthin. First, the EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids used by the dog to support the health of the dogs’ heart, brain, joints, eyes, skin and immune system. EPA & DHA are the two types of Omega-3s linked to the majority of documented Omega-3 health benefits.

The benefit of using Volhard Krill Oil instead of plain fish oil is a good source of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient crucial to the structure and functioning of cells that support brain, nervous system, liver and metabolic health.

A third benefit of using krill is that you also get Astaxanthin, the naturally occurring antioxidant responsible for Volhard Krill Oil’s red color. Fun fact: salmon have a pinkish-red color due to their krill-rich diets. How can you ensure that your pooch is obtaining the right levels of high quality Omega-3s? Doctors and scientists everywhere are agreeing that krill oil may just be the secret ingredient.

Krill Is a Rich Source of Omega-3s

First of all, what are Omega-3 fatty acids, and why are they important for both you and your dog? 

Healthy fats are an essential part of any diet, both human and canine, but as you know, not all fats are created equal. 

There is a huge difference between the nutritional benefits of a tub of margarine and a bottle of avocado oil. Why? Omega-3s. All fats are mainly composed by fatty acids, either Omega 3s or Omega 6s. 

What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Fat plays an important role in the nutrition of dogs. However, not all fat is the same. While some fats solely act as a source of energy, other fats are closely associated with the health of our canine companions.

All nutritional fats are composed of fatty acids. The two primary groups of fatty acids are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Mammals are able to create some types of fatty acids within the body, while other types of fatty acids need to be supplied by an outside resource. This type of fatty acid is called an essential fatty acid (or EFA). Omega-3s are one of these essential fatty acids that need a little help getting into your dog’s bloodstream, and the benefits of these amazing lipids are beyond extraordinary.

Proper amounts of Omega-3s have been shown to improve the cardiovascular system, reduce inflammation, contribute to a glossy and healthy coat, support brain development, and assist in fighting cancer. But not all sources of Omega-3s are created equal; while fish oils are the most commonly used resource to increase Omega-3s, there is one type of fish oil that stands out in an ocean of choices.

Krill are tiny fish that actually fall into the crustacean category of ocean life. They are a staple in the diet of many larger animals, like whales. Being at the bottom of the food chain, krill feed off phytoplankton, tiny plants that float near the surface of the ocean. This means that the are considered to be free of any environmental toxins. This greatly affects the quality of the oil, and consequently Omega-3s that are extracted from the krill. Krill are a more sustainable resource, since they are a species with one of the largest total biomasses. This means that they are an extremely sustainable source of oil, since they reproduce at a rapid rate and are unlikely to be “overfished”. Volhard Krill Oil Liquid Supplement for Dogs & Cats allows you to add a quality source of Omega-3s and 6s that is sustainably sourced.

All fish oils used in the Volhard Krill oil product are tested for heavy metals and mercury. They are sourced from both ethical and sustainable sources. Our supplier is approved by the Marine Stewardship council.

Because larger fish (like salmon) ingest smaller fish and other inhabitants of the ocean, contaminants and toxins from the ocean build up in their systems. This in turn reflects in the levels of heavy metals, toxins, and pollutants in the fish oils and Omega-3s produced by these fish. Krill oil produces a much higher quality, uncontaminated source of Omega-3s.

Some of the other things that put krill oil in a higher place than regular fish oils may surprise you. In addition to containing less mercury and other toxins, krill oil has a much higher absorption rate than any other fish oil. Phospholipids, essentially a small pocket of fatty acid that acts as a foundation for cell growth, are found in krill oil. This means that the fatty acids contained in krill oils are able to pass through the membranes of your dog’s intestinal cells, leading to a much higher rate of absorption.

The Omega-3s in krill oil have even been discovered to be linked to mental acuity in older dogs as well as the neurological development in puppies. Krill oil is highly concentrated, to the point that a serving of krill oil is one fifth the size of any other fish oil. There are unique antioxidants contained in krill oil that prevents the oxidation of the Omega-3 fatty acids.

The countless benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are undisputed, and all of these amazing boosts to your dog’s immune system, cardiovascular system, and overall health are contained in the high-quality, concentrated, and sustainable package of krill oil. It may be worthwhile to switch from a standard fish oil supplement to a supplement that is based off of krill oils. 

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