
What is the Right Dosage of Vitamin E for Dogs?

What is the Right Dosage of Vitamin E for Dogs?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Feb 1st 2022

The world of dog nutrition is a fascinatingly complicated universe. In order to stay healthy and cheerfully energetic, our canine companions need a carefully planned diet made up of all the nutrien … read more
What is the Optimal Weight Gain Diet for Dogs?

What is the Optimal Weight Gain Diet for Dogs?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Jan 28th 2022

The subject of weight gain for dogs is a serious concern for numerous dog parents throughout the country. Thousands of searches are performed online every month for the optimal weight gain diet for … read more
My Dog's Paws Hurt: What Should I Do?

My Dog's Paws Hurt: What Should I Do?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Jan 21st 2022

The canine paws represent an essential body part for your dog. Although a simple skin layer, either pink or black, covered with fatty tissue, the paw pads endow your dog with the ability to move … read more
What Should I Do if My Dog Gets the Hiccups?

What Should I Do if My Dog Gets the Hiccups?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Jan 13th 2022

Have you heard the iconic "hic" sounds from somewhere around the house, but you can't find its exact source? If so, it probably came from your canine friend. That's right; humans are not alone in e … read more
Can a Proper Diet Prevent Dandruff in Your Dog?

Can a Proper Diet Prevent Dandruff in Your Dog?

Posted by Volhard Dog Nutrition on Jan 6th 2022

Have you ever wondered whether dogs get dandruff or not? The answer is yes. Dog dandruff, with seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea as its scientific names, is no stranger to canine fur. As you … read more